Leadership Applications

British Championships are recruiting for Leadership roles for the 2020 season, and we are looking for:

  • Tournament Head Referee – WFTDA-side
  • Tournament Head NSO – MRDA-side
  • Finance Director

All roles will start from August 2019 and have a two year term. This will involve a handover period to your replacement in the lead up to and during the 2022 playoff event.

THR Summary:
As Tournament Head Referee for the WFTDA side you will be responsible for ensuring a high quality of skating officiating, that the tournament is run fairly and effectively and that the principles of the tournament are upheld throughout the season

THNSO Summary:
As Tournament Head NSO for the MRDA side you will be responsible for ensuring a high quality of non-skating officiating, that the tournament is run fairly and effectively and that the principles of the tournament are upheld throughout the season.

FD Summary:
As Finance Director you will steer the finances of Champs, ensuring the tournament is financially viable and clearly accounted for. You will work with the other tournament Directors to ensure all activity is budgeted for and income generated is in keeping with Champs’ ethos.

More information, including a full role description, can be found on the application form. If you have questions, you can contact us via the website or by email.

If you think this is for you, apply via the form below. Applications close on the 21st of July 2019.

Streaming Tender 2019

Playoffs are taking place with sixteen teams playing across two days on two tracks from 21–22 September 2019 at Fenton Manor, Stoke-on-Trent.

Are you an individual or company that is passionate about streaming high-quality and reliable feeds for live roller derby action?

We are looking for a pay-to-watch streaming provider that can make the edited archives publicly available within a fortnight of the event.

Is this you? Send us your proposal including:

  • name and contact details
  • brief description of your experience and links to previous jobs and working with broadcasters
  • budget outline
  • risk assessment

Contact us on British.Championships@gmail.com or via our Contact Form with any questions you may have and to submit your tender by 15 July 2019.

Helmets and You

Brains are important – everyone has one, and everyone needs to take care of it. That’s why a properly fitted helmet is essential wear for roller derby and other contact sports.

Getting a helmet

Visit your local stockist to see the options available, and to try some on. It’s important to get a correctly sized helmet – too loose and it’ll just pop right off, too tight and you’ll probably end up with a headache.

If you can’t visit a stockist, you can measure your own head at home if you’re ordering a helmet online. Be sure to follow the manufacturer instructions carefully if you’re doing this, and maybe get a friend to help you.

Fitting your helmet

When you put your helmet on, you should have it sit just above your eyebrows. When you look up without moving your head, you should see the brim of the helmet. It should sit level and straight, and cover the sides of your head and your temples, and the base of your skull at the back.

Once it’s sat on your head properly, move your head around. Even when it’s not fastened, the helmet shouldn’t move. It should feel secure against your head without being tight. If it moves or slips, it is too big.

If your helmet has “Y” straps on the sides, adjust the fastener so the “Y” meets just below the ear. Not all helmets can be adjusted this way, notably “hockey” style helmets. Follow your helmet’s fitting guide.

Fasten the chin strap, and adjust it so the strap sits comfortably under the chin. It should be snug, but not tight. You should be able to get a finger or two between your chin and the strap, and feel the helmet being pulled down if you open your mouth wide. If you can pull the strap up over your chin, it’s too loose – you shouldn’t be able to take the helmet off with the chin strap fastened. If you can’t comfortably breath, talk, or open your mouth, then it’s too tight.

Take a look at the following photographs that show a correctly fitted helmet

Thank you to Filthy Halfblood from Big Bucks High Rollers for modeling.

Daily adjustments

Every time you put your helmet on, quickly check the “Y” straps and chin straps are properly adjusted. Sometimes they can slip or become loose while in storage.

Caring for your helmet

Keep your helmet safe and looked after while you’re not wearing it. Avoid accidental knocks and drops to prolong the life of your helmet, and ensure it’ll do its job when you need it to.

Don’t store it anywhere damp or humid, or anywhere that gets too cold or two hot. Most helmets let you remove the inserts and throw them in the wash with the rest of your kit, to keep bacteria and smells in check – but follow your manufacturer instructions carefully. Ensure you reattach the inserts properly when they’ve fully dried.

When to replace your helmet

You should always follow the manufacturer guidelines for when to replace your helmet. A damaged helmet won’t protect you as well as you think it should.

If you have had a fall and received an impact to your head, you should replace your helmet. Almost all helmets are rated for a single heavy impact, or for a few minor impacts. If in doubt, replace your helmet.

If you notice a crack, or the inner material of the helmet is damaged, you should replace the helmet.

Most helmets should be replaced every year or two even if you don’t receive a head impact. The materials in the helmet break down naturally over time. Make a note of when you purchased your helmet, and follow your manufacturer’s instructions on when to replace the helmet due to age.
Helmets are one of the cheaper bits of safety equipment to replace, but protect the most important thing you have.

If you are in doubt, replace your helmet.

Be a team player

If you notice someone isn’t wearing their helmet correctly, politely let them know. Take a moment to see if they need help fitting it properly.

Be concussion aware

Head injuries are serious business. Ensure you know the symptoms to look out for in team mates and in yourself.

The WFTDA have resources on concussion management, assessment, and advice. It also holds guidelines and policies relevant to roller derby.

The BMJ have a handy pocket guide for identifying concussion, which is ideal for your kit bag.

England Rugby have short e-learning modules on concussion. Ideal for understanding the basics and getting to know how to spot signs of concussion.

If in doubt…

If you need help getting a helmet, visit a local stockist and talk to someone. You should get help in selecting and fitting your helmet.

If you need help to check your existing helmet, ask your team mates or your coaches to show you how to adjust it properly.

If you’ve taken a heavy blow to the head in the past, even just once, it’s probably best to replace your helmet.

If, during a game or training, you take a knock to the head then it’s okay to sit out for a while and assess how you are. Not all concussion symptoms are obvious or immediate. Let your coach or bench staff know you’ve taken a knock to the head.

If you’ve taken a knock to the head and you don’t feel right, see stars, feel dizzy, or identify with any symptoms of a concussion, then seek medical assistance. If medics are present, have them come to you and check you out. If they clear you, but you still don’t feel right, then get a second opinion at your nearest A&E department.

Media Team Recruitment

The British Roller Derby Championships is the largest tournament of its kind in the world. It is entirely volunteer-run and we need YOU! If you like seeing weekly scores posted to Facebook, images shared on Instagram, want to follow the news on Twitter and more, we need YOU.

Champs can only happen if members of our skating community (skaters, officials on and/or offskates, coaches and others) step up to help make it happen!

We are looking to increase our crew in the Media team. Can you turn a phrase? Bring the hype? Enjoy sharing news and views?

What’s in it for you? You get to help make derby happen. You will be part of a team that spans the UK and hear any breaking news first. You’ll get to see how Champs works from behind the scenes and if you have ideas on how Champs can do things better, you can let us know and help make those developments! You will help develop Champs visual content and work with derby photographers and requesting and respecting permissions, links and credits. Finally, for anyone looking to boost their CV, volunteering provides great practical work experience!

We are currently recruiting people to help us with:

  • Facebook (2–3 people)
  • Twitter (1–2 people)
  • Instagram (1–2 people)
  • Website (holiday cover ad hoc position)

We have regular weekly updates across our media and by sharing the roles we aim to ensure that everyone can take guilt-free holidays or time off when real life interrupts our roller lives!

If you think this is for you, apply via the form below! PS tell your friends!

How To Read a Stats Book

In the third installment of our Stats series, we’re going to take a look at NSOs, their paperwork, and what this means for skaters.

NSOs (Non-Skating Officials) are one of the unsung heroes of game day. They are the ones stood with stopwatches, holding clipboards, and they keep the game running.

NSOs fill in a lot of paperwork during the game:

  • Scorekeeping – The score, jammer related stats
  • Penalty Tracking – Penalties per skater and the jam they were issued
  • Lineup Tracking – Skaters that took part in each jam, their position and box entries/exits
  • Penalty Box – Timings for penalties served by skaters
  • Official Reviews – Information on what official reviews were for and outcome Expulsion – Information and comments on expulsions

After the game, the HNSO (Head Non-Skating Official) collects all the paperwork and uses this to fill in the Stats Book.

(Images used are from 2014 from a mixed scrim for illustration purposes only)

Stats Book – the Score, Penalty, Lineup sheets

When all the paperwork is added to the Stats Book, it generates the Game Summary, which calculates a whole lot of lovely stats!

Game Summary

Let’s take a closer look!

The first section shows how many jams each skater played in, and what position they played.

The second section has all the stats related to jammers.

The third section shows all the points scored for and against their team each time that skater was on track, and broken down by position

The fourth section shows the VTAR (Versus Team Average Rating). This is how each member of the team performed against the average for the team.

And finally, the fifth section shows how many penalties each skater was issued. There are more details on the Penalty Summary sheet.

The Penalty Summary sheet displays all the penalties per skater for the game, and how many of each type.

We use these Stats Books to create the skater stats you see here on the website, but we consciously don’t include penalty stats.

Next time you see a Stats Book we hope you can understand what you’re looking at!

Demystifying Skater Stats

Stats. We make a big deal of them at British Champs, and we spend a lot of time bringing you all this information.

But what do they mean?

Here’s a handy “cut out and keep” (or bookmark, because saving paper is cool) guide.

JJ - Jams as a jammer
Number of times the skater was fielded as a jammer

JL - Lead jammer
Number of times the skater was awarded lead jammer

JLP - Jammer lead percentage
Percentage of jams the skater was lead jammer

JPF - Jammer points for
How many points the jammer scored

JPA - Jammer points against
How many points an opposition jammer scored while they were jamming

JPD - Jammer points difference
The difference between points for and points against

JPJ - Jammer points per jam
Average points scored per jam as jammer

JDJ - Jammer points difference per jam
Average points difference per jam as jammer

JSP - Jammer star passes
How many times the skater received the star as pivot

BJ - Jams as a blocker
Number of times the skater was fielded as a blocker

BPF - Blocker points for
How many points their jammer scored while they were blocking

BPA - Blocker points against
How many points the opposition jammer scored while they were blocking

BPD - Blocker points difference
The difference between points for and points against

BPJ - Blocker points per jam
Average points scored per jam as blocker

BDJ - Blocker points difference per jam
Average points difference per jam as blocker

We hope this helps to clarify things a little. We understand there’s a lot to digest and that not everyone is a stats nerd like us! But we hope there’s something useful there for everyone.

Please get in touch if you have any questions, or if you have an idea we could create stats for. We’d love to hear what you think.

Skater Stats now available

You may notice we’ve improved how we’re showing you skater stats this season. All the same information is still there, but it’s displayed in an easier to read format.

Once we’ve processed the stats, they are available at the following places;

  • Division page: Top ten lists, jammer stats, and blocker stats for the season
  • Event page: All skater stats for that game
  • Skater page: All skater stats for their career

For the stats tables, the abbreviations for each column are;

JJJams as jammer
JLLead jammer
JLPJammer lead percentage
JPFJammer points for
JPAJammer points against
JPDJammer points difference
JPJJammer points per jam
JDJJammer points difference per jam
JSPJammer star passes
BJJam as a blocker
BPFBlocker points for
BPABlocker points against
BPDBlocker points difference
BPJBlocker points per jam
BDJBlocker points difference per jam

Clicking on the table headers will sort the data, making it easy to see the information you’re most interested in.

Have a click around the various divisions, leagues, events and skaters. Hopefully you’ll like how we’re now presenting skater stats and will find this useful.

If you come across any inaccuracies or errors, please click on the yellow warning icon on the bottom right to file an issue.

Stats Processing

Hi! I’m Pretty Miffed, head of stats for this year’s British Championships and I’m going to give you a quick tale about what happens to the statsbook between the end of the game the stats appearing on the website! It’s a more complicated process than I think most people realise.

After the game

So, the final whistle has gone, and the skaters have had their hand-slaps and headed off to get changed. Meanwhile, the NSOs are gathered in the middle making sure that their sheets are filled in correctly and match each other’s data where the stats overlap.

This is an important first step in the journey of the stats as it allows the NSOs to correct any errors (we’re all human!) while the game is still fresh in their minds.

Once the NSOs are happy, the paperwork is gathered by the Head NSO who will take it away with them for processing. At this point, the Head NSO will take a picture of the scoreboard, the IGRF (the front page of the statsbook which is signed by the captains), and any official review or expulsion paperwork. This is submitted immediately to British Championships.

Typing up the stats

Now the Head NSO is home and has had some time to recover from the game, they can start processing the stats and entering them into the digital version of the statsbook. This generally takes place within a couple of days of the game, but it is allowed to take up to two weeks to allow for issues to be fixed (more on that soon).

First thing that needs doing is to check that the teams listed on the IGRF match the teams that played in the game. No skater who isn’t on the list should have skated in the game, but not everyone on the list may have skated. The names of any skaters on the list who didn’t skate in the game are struck through.

After this, the score and lineup paperwork are compared to make sure that jammer numbers match and that star passes are recorded for the same jams. The score paperwork is also checked to make sure that the final score matches that recorded on the IGRF. If any issues are found at this point, then they will need to be fixed before the processing can continue. For more information on this, see “Fixing Issues” below.

Once happy with these two pieces of paperwork they can be entered into the digital statsbook. This involves entering each line by hand into the spreadsheet and can be a fairly lengthy process.

Next comes the penalty tracking paperwork. This once again requires typing into the digital statsbook and checking against the IGRF to spot and errors.

Finally, the box paperwork is checked against the lineup and the penalty tracking paperwork. Official Reviews details and expulsions are also typed into the statsbook if necessary.

Once this is all done the statsbook is submitted to the British Championships stats team and the Head NSO’s job is done (except for any error fixing required).

Stats processing

Upon receiving a statsbook, a member of the stats team double checks the paperwork for errors. As well as manually checking it, software exists which is used to automatically check for certain issues. If any issues are found, then the statsbook is returned to the Head NSO to be corrected.

If the stats processor is happy with the statsbook then they will proceed with entering the stats into the British Championships stats workbooks.

First of all, a new tab is added to the statsbook. This new tab has been created by the stats team and is used to extract the relevant data from the statsbook. This extracted data is then copied as a new tab into a spreadsheet which contains the stats for the current division.

Once in this sheet, the data is cleaned up and once again checked for errors. Part of the cleaning up process is removing any skaters who haven’t skated in any jams.

The data should now be as error free as possible and finally for the final steps.

Adding to the website

The last step in this entire process is to update the website with all the details.

The webmaster converts the stats to a format supported by the website back-end system, and imports the raw data. The back-end system then generates the game day, division, and player stats from this data.

Fixing Issues

If any issues are found during this entire process, then they will generally need to be fixed to ensure that the stats are as accurate as possible. This fixing will generally be undertaken by the gameday Head NSO as they will be able to remember details of the game that anyone not there wouldn’t know about.

Often, errors are simple to fix and can be done just from the statsbook and the Head NSO’s memory. However, sometimes the errors are harder to fix. This is where we have to rely on the footage of the game.

The host league is required to submit footage of a game no longer than 8 days after the game takes place. The footage allows the Head NSO to review what happened in a game to help them fix the statsbook.

An example could be where a lineup tracker has accidentally entered the same skater twice for a jam and has missed someone who was on the track. There’s no way that the Head NSO is going to remember who the missing skater is and if that skater never went to the box then no other piece of paperwork is going to record them. However, it should be fairly easy to watch the footage and see who that skater is as long as the footage is of good quality (unfortunately something which we don’t always get…).


So, let’s recap where the stats have been between the game and appearing on the website. They’ve been through the hands of at least 4 different people, sometimes more, and sometimes multiple times. The paperwork itself will have travelled potentially hundreds of miles before being typed up and the digital copy will bounce around people located all over the country before finally ending up being entered onto the website. Each person who touches the stats performs checks and corrects errors, sometimes relying on external information such as the footage being made available to them.

The process is long but allows us in the end to produce detailed and accurate stats for the skaters, teams, and fans.

I hope that this has been helpful in explaining some of the things that go on behind the scenes here at British Champs.


IGRF – The front page of the statsbook that contains the list of players and officials and is signed by the captains and the head officials.

Lineup – The paperwork used to track which skaters were on track for each jam and when they entered and left the box.

Score – The paperwork used to track the points scored in each jam, who the jammers were, and any star passes that occurred.

Box – The paperwork used to track time served in the penalty box and penalty counts for each player. This paperwork is optional.

Penalty Tracking – The paperwork used to track penalties issued, which skater they were issued to, and in which jam.

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our brand new website for the 2019 season!

We hope you will enjoy the updated look and easier access to the content that matters.

If you notice any problems, errors, or omissions, please let us know. You can use the contact form, or click on the page feedback icon in the bottom right of every page.