Tag: 2019

Skater Stats now available

You may notice we’ve improved how we’re showing you skater stats this season. All the same information is still there, but it’s displayed in an easier to read format.

Once we’ve processed the stats, they are available at the following places;

  • Division page: Top ten lists, jammer stats, and blocker stats for the season
  • Event page: All skater stats for that game
  • Skater page: All skater stats for their career

For the stats tables, the abbreviations for each column are;

JJJams as jammer
JLLead jammer
JLPJammer lead percentage
JPFJammer points for
JPAJammer points against
JPDJammer points difference
JPJJammer points per jam
JDJJammer points difference per jam
JSPJammer star passes
BJJam as a blocker
BPFBlocker points for
BPABlocker points against
BPDBlocker points difference
BPJBlocker points per jam
BDJBlocker points difference per jam

Clicking on the table headers will sort the data, making it easy to see the information you’re most interested in.

Have a click around the various divisions, leagues, events and skaters. Hopefully you’ll like how we’re now presenting skater stats and will find this useful.

If you come across any inaccuracies or errors, please click on the yellow warning icon on the bottom right to file an issue.