71 Texas Hold’em 4. Clairely Psycho8. Femme Fayetal10. Davies13. Laura Lockdown15. Sorry Not Sorry18. KO22. Nice and Spicy26. Kim Cognito31. Pavlovs Dodge42. Cushtie Skittles61. Smith_71. Texas Hold'em111. DeVestation135. Tink Rebelle247. Sting Rae_477. Kris & Chips809. Toxic Rose818. Mojo Jojo999. Hit and Run #71Current TeamDurham Roller DerbyLeaguesWFTDA Aligned Tier 3 NorthSeasons2025Share this:Tweet ⚠️ Issue: * Incorrect or missing data Spelling mistake Broken link Other issue Your Name: Your Email: Details: * Submit Report