116 Sketchy Character 03. Bruise Willis07. Velocity Kendall09. The Undietaker21. Ginger Snaps39. Bexecute45. DisorderLee46. Smashochist64. Kiss and Hell71. Tiny Temper87. F'Alice91. Moomin Brawl93. McDirty116. Sketchy Character147. Mrs Boutfire333. Elf Hazard369. Lawrence of a Lay-bee-ah413. cLeo852. Maple Bitchslap919. Skidmore1312. Irreversible Damage Nationality—Current TeamLondon Rockin’ Rollers WFTDA-side Tier 3 EastSeasonTeamPlayedJJJLJLPJPFJPAJPDJPJJDJJSPBJBPFBPABPDBPJBDJ2023London Rockin’ Rollers3361953141109323.920.89010000.000.00 Results