253 Monifathebus 3. Price18. Dee21. Hulk Grogan22. Basher Mel Sauce23. Em-C-Slammer24. Zehna30. French Bird35. Barbelle75. Hannah of the North78. Missy Blitz86. Cherry Skatewells88. Iron Maeven253. Monifathebus257. Quiet Riot259. Morgy Mogwai303. Dusty452. Debistator701. Hel Razor747. Trauma845. Storm3141. Slice-R Pi #253Current TeamManchester ValkyriesPast TeamsLondon Rockin’ Rollers BLeaguesWFTDA Aligned Tier 3 North, WFTDA Aligned Tier 3 SouthSeasons2025Share this:Tweet ⚠️ Issue: * Incorrect or missing data Spelling mistake Broken link Other issue Your Name: Your Email: Details: * Submit Report