314 Kapow! 12. Dawstrom15. Apex Twin_22. Go Go Gozer25. Cold Crush26. Finn McCruel27. G-Force39. Skates of Wrath42. Skate Bush_57. Hairy Fairy64. Hippy Hippy Skate99. Deathblade134. The Favourite212. Block Horror219. Slap Dash254. Bonnie314. Kapow!360. Shambolic544. Tash Mob789. Amygeddon817. Show Me Where It Hurts #314Current TeamBrighton Rockers Roller DerbyLeaguesWFTDA Aligned Tier 2 SouthSeasons2025Share this:Tweet ⚠️ Issue: * Incorrect or missing data Spelling mistake Broken link Other issue Your Name: Your Email: Details: * Submit Report