12 Codd Almighty 4. Clairely Psycho5 1. Hunter__8. Femme Fayetal10. Davies12. Codd Almighty13. Laura Lockdown15. Sorry Not Sorry18. KO19. Minhinnett19. Dib Dob22. Nice and Spicy24. Jinkx Monsooz26. Kim Cognito27. Jen28. Donkin30. Hannah of Thor31. Pavlovs Dodge42. Cushtie Skittles55. Moore61. Smith_71. Texas Hold'em85. Robinson88. Nuke Leah Fallout91. Johnson111. DeVestation135. Tink Rebelle237. Taz247. Sting Rae_393. Pinkney477. Kris & Chips809. Toxic Rose818. Mojo Jojo999. Hit and Run1408. You Better Rum #12Current TeamDurham Roller DerbyLeaguesWFTDA Aligned Tier 3 NorthShare this:Tweet ⚠️ Issue: * Incorrect or missing data Spelling mistake Broken link Other issue Your Name: Your Email: Details: * Submit Report