Officiating Development

At Five Nations Roller Derby we’re reinvesting in roller derby and one of the things we’ve heard loudest from teams and officials alike is that people would like more opportunities to develop their officiating skills.

This year our Officiating Development Committee, headed up by Victoria Velociraptor and Lula, will be running a series of events, creating some resources and generally working to grow the skill base of our officials across the UK and Ireland, wherever they are in their derby careers.

Online Officiating Seminars

Want to know how to be a HNSO for a Five Nations Roller Derby game day?
What do the new rules updates actually mean?
How to be a Score Keeper or a Penalty Box Timer?
Officiating a Juniors game?
Is it really that different?
Join the Officiating Education Committee online for a series of seminars.
Wednesday 22nd January – How to be a HNSO
Wednesday 29th January – Score Keeping
Wednesday 5th February – Penalty Box Timing
Tuesday 4th February – Officiating Juniors
Thursday 6th February – Rules Update

The sessions will all be online, at 7.00pm. Sign up at the link below

Coming Soon: Quick Start Resources

Check back soon for quick start resources for some of the most beginner friendly NSO roles