Top Tens
Jammer Most Leads
Rank | Player | Team | Played | JJ | JLP | JL |
1 | OPTIMUS GRIME | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 28 | 71 | 20 |
2 | Lt Damn | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 18 | 89 | 16 |
3 | DARTH EVADER | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 33 | 48 | 16 |
4 | Fish | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 19 | 79 | 15 |
5 | Philociraptor | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 18 | 83 | 15 |
6 | Rufio | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 18 | 78 | 14 |
7 | Roseblade | Barrow Infernos | 2 | 33 | 39 | 13 |
8 | SEEK & ROLLSTROY | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 24 | 50 | 12 |
9 | Princess Lay’her | Barrow Infernos | 2 | 33 | 36 | 12 |
10 | Gruff | Super Smash Brollers | 3 | 37 | 32 | 12 |
Jammer Most Points
Rank | Player | Team | Played | JJ | JPF | JPJ |
1 | Lt Damn | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 18 | 303 | 16.83 |
2 | OPTIMUS GRIME | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 28 | 255 | 9.11 |
3 | Fish | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 19 | 220 | 11.58 |
4 | Philociraptor | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 18 | 208 | 11.56 |
5 | DARTH EVADER | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 33 | 160 | 4.85 |
6 | Rufio | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 18 | 156 | 8.67 |
7 | Roseblade | Barrow Infernos | 2 | 33 | 126 | 3.82 |
8 | SEEK & ROLLSTROY | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 24 | 111 | 4.63 |
9 | Princess Lay’her | Barrow Infernos | 2 | 33 | 104 | 3.15 |
10 | Gruff | Super Smash Brollers | 3 | 37 | 100 | 2.70 |
Jammer Points Difference
Rank | Player | Team | Played | JJ | JPD | JPJ | JDJ |
1 | Lt Damn | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 18 | 277 | 16.83 | 15.39 |
2 | Fish | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 19 | 195 | 11.58 | 10.26 |
3 | Philociraptor | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 18 | 184 | 11.56 | 10.22 |
4 | OPTIMUS GRIME | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 28 | 160 | 9.11 | 5.71 |
5 | Rufio | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 18 | 123 | 8.67 | 6.83 |
6 | Foggzilla | New Wheeled Order | 1 | 5 | 34 | 8.00 | 6.80 |
7 | TEA VIRUS | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 1 | 10 | 27 | 4.10 | 2.70 |
8 | Krushya to Hell | Barrow Infernos | 1 | 8 | 22 | 4.50 | 2.75 |
9 | Jardine | Barrow Infernos | 1 | 6 | 18 | 7.33 | 3.00 |
10 | DARTH EVADER | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 33 | 14 | 4.85 | 0.42 |
Blocker Most Points
Rank | Player | Team | Played | BJ | BPF | BPJ |
1 | Shrooms | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 43 | 536 | 12.47 |
2 | Cloud Strike | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 38 | 496 | 13.05 |
3 | Veggie Kray | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 38 | 476 | 12.53 |
4 | Don Gingovanni | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 39 | 449 | 11.51 |
5 | Gazooka | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 37 | 391 | 10.57 |
6 | Scooby Zoom | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 31 | 344 | 11.10 |
7 | WRIGHTOUS | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 56 | 330 | 5.89 |
8 | SPANIEL | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 61 | 310 | 5.08 |
9 | KONANBOURG | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 2 | 40 | 302 | 7.55 |
10 | ROSIE PEACOCK | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 58 | 282 | 4.86 |
Blocker Points Difference
Rank | Player | Team | Played | BJ | BPD | BPJ | BDJ |
1 | Shrooms | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 43 | 463 | 12.47 | 10.77 |
2 | Cloud Strike | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 38 | 433 | 13.05 | 11.39 |
3 | Veggie Kray | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 38 | 420 | 12.53 | 11.05 |
4 | Don Gingovanni | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 39 | 406 | 11.51 | 10.41 |
5 | Gazooka | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 37 | 333 | 10.57 | 9.00 |
6 | Scooby Zoom | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 31 | 299 | 11.10 | 9.65 |
7 | Shaw | New Wheeled Order | 2 | 27 | 236 | 10.41 | 8.74 |
8 | KONANBOURG | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 2 | 40 | 213 | 7.55 | 5.33 |
9 | WRIGHTOUS | Glasgow Men’s Roller Derby | 3 | 56 | 174 | 5.89 | 3.11 |
10 | Vile | New Wheeled Order | 1 | 9 | 169 | 19.22 | 18.78 |
Jammer Stats
Blocker Stats
We’ve uploaded the game day statistics for every British Championships game this season!
This means you can see exactly how well you, your friends, and your opponents, have performed this year.
If you’re a skater, we’d love to hear about your personal achievements. Have you topped a skater chart, or done something amazing you want to share? Let us know on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!
We have compiled a few interesting facts for you too:
- 1162 Players across 70 teams (average 16.6 per team)
- 13 duplicate names with 2 people per name
- Division with the highest number of players – T2WS (100)
- Division with the lowest number of players – T1MN (64)
- Division with the highest average number of players per team – T2WW (18.6)
- Division with the lowest average number of players per team – T2WN (14.4)
- Team with the most number of players fielded over the year – LRGC (23)
- Team with the least number of players fielded over the year – TEES and HARD (11)
- Team with the highest average number of players fielded per game – NWO (8.5)
- Team with the lowest average number of players fielded per game – HERF and SRT (2.6)
- Team with the smallest roster for a game – BI and HERF (7)
- Team with the largest average roster per game – GMRD, NWRD, DRHL and VV (15)
- Team with the smallest average roster per game – TEES (8.25)
- Team with the smallest roster to win a game – SRT and TEES (8)